
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Call for submissions for Blackguard #5 from Stratu

I can announce the theme for Blackguard #5 - it's gonna be the SCIENCE issue!

And I want you to be in there, if you can get your pens, inks and test
tubes in order, that is.

Or if you know somebody who would like to be a part of it please go
ahead and forward this to them.

I want one-two page strips only. Blind me with science, baby!

Deadline is October 31, 2012.

Thanks to Shaun Craike for coming up with the theme. Many other good
ones, but Science really hit me in the guts as The One.

Anything else you need to know? Wanna do a colour page strip? Email
me. I'm pretty sure I got the cover sorted, but that means three other
colour pages ... for strips, preferably.

Now, to the laboratory!
Perfect [Lab] Leader Stratu
PO Box 35
Marrickville NSW 2204