
Friday, September 14, 2012


review from Anne: AWKWARD POSTURE #9
16 pages, 6.5 x 6 inches, $2 (everywhere)
trades yes.

Matt Young

AWKWARD POSTURE is a project of five journal comics a week for a year that ends up getting collected into 12 minicomics. It's book 9 of 12 in the series and details last year's trip to the Small Press Expo. Full disclosure -- I was in on this trip (which is always a blast) and so have a fondness for the book. Basically Matt's a cartoonist who survived comics college in White River Junction and decided to do a series of "weekdaily" journal comics. There's a cat and some comics and, overall, it's an interesting project. I love autobio work and this one's a fun title. Includes irthday cats, papercutter accidents, travel, flippin' the bird with a broken finger, bad birthday hats, and mayhem on the road! Take that, Small Press Expo! See you next year!