
Who and What We Are

Xerography Debt is a review zine for zine readers by zine writers (and readers). It is a hybrid of review zine and personal zine (the ancestor to many blogs). The paper version has been around since 1999. This blog thing is are attempt to bridge the gap between Web 2.0 and Paper 1.0. Print is not dead, but it is becoming more pixelated.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Christian New Age Quarterly: A Bridge Supporting Dialogue

(Vol 22, Number 4, Summer/Autumn 2016)

28 pages, 7 x 8.5 inches $12.50 US (4-issue subscription), CAN/MEX / WORLD $18.50 (US funds only), trades ??

PO Box 276
Clifton, NJ 070015-0276

This issue is a double-issue ($7 for US, $10 outside of US, US funds only; usually a sample issue is $3.50 for US and $5 outside the US, same for back issues), and the masthead says that "Our intent is to foster communication between Christians and New Agers. To this end, a diversity of viewpoints is featured. Publication does not imply the publisher concurs with the content." There is a little bit of advertising in the back, and this issue seems mostly to be one long essay called "Proto-Mark: A Conjectural Reconstruction." There are footnotes, and if religion is your thing, this publication will likely be of interest to you. 

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