
Who and What We Are

Xerography Debt is a review zine for zine readers by zine writers (and readers). It is a hybrid of review zine and personal zine (the ancestor to many blogs). The paper version has been around since 1999. This blog thing is are attempt to bridge the gap between Web 2.0 and Paper 1.0. Print is not dead, but it is becoming more pixelated.

Monday, March 28, 2011

two reviews!

NINJA SUSHI #2 (Nov 2010)
Yves Albrechts
Postbus 100
2000 Antwerpen 1
? US / ? Can/Mex / ? World / ? trades
Half-size/ 20 pages / bright yellow cover

Lots of bold line work, mostly single images rather than sequential storytelling. The drawing style reminds me a little bit of Kaz (kinda surreal) but with heavier line work. Also, if you’re into mail art it might be worth checking out (the back cover reads “mail art matters –DIY zine – comic art—global communication”); if you’re into kind of weird, surreal art you will most likely enjoy this zine.

“Herbal Healing for Piercings and Tattoos: Organic Aftercare for Everyone”Stacy
4712 Elbow Drive SW
Calgary AB T2S 2K8
blog is at
$3 US / $3 Can/Mex / ? World / ? trades (email and ask?)
Half-size/ 36 pages

From Stacy: “My zine is a thorough body art aftercare zine that includes vegan and non-vegan recipes on how to properly care for and heal your new piercings and tattoos.” It also “includes information such as how the skin heals, herbs to use, ingredients to avoid in aftercare, recipes on making your own aftercare products, and organic jewelry.”

It is very clear that the zine is intended for aftercare only and only for educational purposes. (She’s upfront that she is not a professional piercer or tattoo artist, or a physician or a naturopath, so she is not giving medical advice.) My favorite piece of this zine was an explanation of the LITHA method for healing (which stands for LEAVE IT THE HELL ALONE). Pretty simply to follow, she says: Don’t touch it! There’s good information in here about hygiene (common mistake with new body art? Not washing your hands before administering to your new tattoo or piercing) and recipes involving herbs. Overall, a number of good things to consider—especially for someone who has not yet gotten that new tattoo or piercing!

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